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You're Invited to the CeRTNA Partner Group Meeting - 1/16/2025

 We are pleased to invite you to the CeRTNA Partners Group Meeting where we will discuss key developments as well as provide insight into our organization. This meeting is open to all—whether you are a county, an agent or a LRMS vendor.

Date: Thursday January 16th, 2025

Time: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm PST

Location: Online - MicrosoftTeams (see below)

 The agenda linked below includes time for open discussion so this is a great opportunity to  collaborate with all of our partners on any erecording issues you may have.

Join the Microsoft Teams meeting

Meeting ID: 258 469 456 335

Dial in by phone

+1 332-249-0722,,720449781# United States, New York City

Phone conference ID: 720 449 781#

CeRTNA Partners Group Meeting Agenda 01/2025
A logo with text "CeRTNA PARTNERS GROUP" and a stylized double arrow design.